Time Travel In Damanhur Part 8: February 7th 1994

Time Travel In Damanhur Part 8: February 7th 1994; 6,840 Years Ago, As A Woman See previous entries in links below: Damanhur is a spiritual community in Northern Italy and the largest eco-village recognized by the United Nations. Learn more about Damanhur here: Damanhur an Introduction These accounts were published in the Damahurian Daily Newspaper... Continue Reading →

Time Travel at Damanhur Part 1: January 17 1994

Time Travel at Damanhur in N. Italy: This is Part 1 more coming soon... January 17 1994 "The incredible experiences of the Temponauts related here were given directly to QDq the Damanhurian daily newspaper creating extraordinary excitement amongst its readership. Here we publish a selection of the most meaningful articles and testimonies." I am writing... Continue Reading →

Plant Intelligence

Plant intelligence Plants live a secret life which is being revealed by science. The plants have been considered unintelligent for hundreds of years in western culture. The story of Noah’s ark does not mention the plants or the fungi which sustain all animal life. The plants move slowly and thus their behavior is more difficult... Continue Reading →

Plant Spirit Communication

The spiritual and healing power of plants cannot be denied. How could any human live without the help of the plants? They give us food, medicine, oxygen and so much more. Plants have the power to heal the body, mind and spirit. The study of plant medicine has been ongoing since prehistory and highly developed... Continue Reading →

Native American Church

Native American Church The Native American Church is a cross tribal religious organization which uses all night ceremonies to magnify the effect of their intentions and prayers. These ceremonies are done to communicate with the spiritual world which is filled with intelligence and life.   This unseen spiritual realm is interconnected with the natural world... Continue Reading →

Visionary Art

Visionary Art Visionary art is an artistic style which pays homage to the mystical experience and the transcendent spiritual wisdom of humanity.  The art emerges out of the artist’s inner journey into the realms of collective vision and their personal insights and experiences. The vision is then used as inspiration for the work of art... Continue Reading →

Visionary Artist: Laurence Caruana

Visionary Artist Laurence Caruana Laurence Caruana has had a strong impact on the contemporary visionary art movement as a writer, teacher and artist. He has written several books and online articles about visionary art including the Visionary Art Manifesto and The Visionary Revue. He teaches worldwide sharing the classical painting technique called mischtechnik as well... Continue Reading →

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