DNA Contemplation and Visualization Meditation Practice

DNA Contemplation and Visualization Meditation Practice


Consider for a moment DNA.

Our DNA is affected by the experiences of all our direct ancestors, illness, joy, love, and famine and luxury all impact the way the DNA expresses itself. For example studies have shown that trauma inflicted early in life can result in underdevelopment of regions of the brain due to enduring post traumatic stress and those traits can be passed on to your genetic children.

Studies have also shown that meditation can increase the amount of grey matter in the brain and increase compassion and ability to cope with stress. All this is just to say that what we feel, do, say, think, can change who we are and leave genetic markers which are passed on to future generations.


Our DNA is affected by the water we drink, the air we breath, the food we eat and where on Earth we live. Studies are showing that Genetically Modified Foods contain carcinogens which alter the expression of genes to create deadly cancers.

Francis Crick discovered DNA and stated: “The DNA molecule is the most efficient information storage system in the entire universe. The immensity of complex, coded and precisely sequenced information is absolutely staggering. The DNA evidence speaks of intelligent, information bearing design. They (extraterrestrials) programmed the molecules so … they could therefore teach us about themselves and how to progress. For life to form by choice is mathematically virtually impossible.” (extracted from Mary Rodwell 2018)

Maurice Wilkins also won nobel prize for DNA structure.

Was he on to something or was he underestimating life’s will to survive? Regardless there is a rhythm to the chaos of the universe which is truly astounding. What if some intelligence is behind humanities genetic origins? People may be able to tap into this kind of information through the practice of meditative contemplation.


Contemplation and Visualization Meditation Practice:

Take a moment to think of a healing or expansive and compassionate intention.

Imagine your DNA that substance that is with in every part of your body and which carries all the knowledge, pain and experience of all your ancestors.

Focusing on the DNA imagine its double spiral structure humming away through out the body.

Feel the vibration like a humming white light first in the heart.

Imagine the white light int the heart transmitting a signal to the DNA.

Feel the DNA receiving your intention and feel your path through time alerting course.

Sit feeling this white vibrating light in the heart transmitting your intention to the DNA. Remembering that the DNA is who you are, its super powers of life creation is our personal power. It’s not something removed from us it is us.

After sometime begin to draw out and like a sponge soak in the good vibrations!!


BY: Temple Rose

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